M. Tvlli Ciceronis Cato Maior De Senectvte ;

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3; A. & G. 364, N. 1; H. 464, 3.
269. quasi desipientem: " on the ground that his mind is impaired." 270. fabulam: " play," whether comedy or tragedy. quamin manibus habebat: "which he had in preparation"; metaphorical, whereas in 1. 148, in manibus lias a literal meaning.
271. scripserat: the context denotes that he had written the play, but had not yet put the finishing touches upon it. Oedipum Coloheum: the ffidipus at Colonus. The latter part of this play is referred to, which represents wa
...ndering (Edipus in his old age as arriving at Colonus near Atliens. Tradition relates that the passage selected by the poet for recitation on the occasion here indicated was the superb choral ode in praise of Athens (11. 668-717).
272. carmen: "ode," "poem"; used probably to avoid repetition of fahula.
273. est liberatus : = abso/ii

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