Maddy Collated: the Complete Trilogy

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The book Maddy Collated: the Complete Trilogy was written by author Here you can read free online of Maddy Collated: the Complete Trilogy book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Maddy Collated: the Complete Trilogy a good or bad book?
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Chet Taylor did not like problems. Chet Taylor only liked solving problems, generally in the most efficient and ruthless way possible.His newest problem sat across from him, playing with her Fall Spice latte and pretending he hadn't been balls-deep in her luscious ass a scant eight hours prior. Her name was Maddy Marcos, and he had awoken from a short, drunken sleep with her on his mind. This was different. Usually he woke with only one problem on his mind, and that problem was Samuel Lake, also... known as Chet's best friend and fellow co-founder and CEO of Embra Enterprises. And, though Chet tried to pretend otherwise, also the only man Chet had ever wanted. Currently Sam was doubling down on his status as problem by refusing to look Chet in the eye. This was a big problem, because they ran the company together, and that goal was going to be compromised if one party was unable to meet things head-on. It made Sam look weak, and Chet hated it when people were weak.Still, in a corner of the heart Chet liked to think of as black and withered, he knew that the Sam Problem was his fault.

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Maddy Collated: the Complete Trilogy
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