Madras Journal of Literature And Science, volume 6

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Madras Journal of Literature And Science, volume 6
Madras Literary Society
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But the experiment was defeated by ^' the impossibility of finding skilled labor to dry and manipulate " the leaves. Should it ever be thought expedient to cultivate '* Tea in addition to Coffee in Ceylon, the adaptation of the soil *' and climate has thus been established, and it only remains to \ *' introduce artisans from China to conduct the subsequent pro- ' " cesses." Volumes II, page 252.
(Signed) H. Cleghobs^, Conservator of Forests, Obdeb thibeok, 24th Augast 1860, No. 1,425.
1, The Go
...vernor in Council has perused this report with much \ interest. It contains much useful information on the subject treat- ed of. It will be communicated to the Board of Revenue, to the \ Collector of Coimbatore, to the Commissioner of Mysore, and toj the Literary Society for publication in their journal. A copy will also be laid on the Editor's table and a number of spare copies will be printed for sale or distribution.
' 2. The report will also be sent to the Secretary of State.
Digitized by Google Mat 1861.] Proceedings, 149 PKOCEEDINGS.

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