Major-General Henry Knox;

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About this time as a result of these conditions, the famous Newburgh letter appeared, out of which event seems to have been evolved in the ever busy mind of Knox, the jiappy idea of the organization of a society to perpetuate the friendships formed by the officers of the army and to provide for the indigent widows and surviving children. As one writer puts it "and thus on the 13th of May, 1783, out of the net- tle danger implied in the incendry Newburgh Addresses, was plucked the flower safety,... consumate in The Society of the Cincinnati".
Knox succeded General Lincoln as Secretary of War under the Confederation of States, and was appointed Address by J. W. S. Campbell 5 Secretary of War in Washington's Cabinet under the Con- stitution ; he laid the foundation for the military academy, the establishment of an arsenal, the coast fortifications, and under his administration the keels were laid of The Consti- tution, The President, The United States, The Chesa- peake, The Constelation and The Congress, the first ves- sels of the navy.

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