Major Ragland's Instructions How to Grow And Cure Tobacco, Especially Fine Yellow

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The book Major Ragland's Instructions How to Grow And Cure Tobacco, Especially Fine Yellow was written by author Here you can read free online of Major Ragland's Instructions How to Grow And Cure Tobacco, Especially Fine Yellow book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Major Ragland's Instructions How to Grow And Cure Tobacco, Especially Fine Yellow a good or bad book?
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It recommends itself greatly in this, that it has greater adaptability over a wider range of soils than any other of the yellow varieties, and may on this score be considered the surest.
Yellow Oronoko. — A reliable old yellow variety, grown for more than forty years, and improved with reference to the production of yellow stock.
GoocH.- — A new variety of great excellence. Resembles the Yellow Oronoko, but has a larger leaf — a splendid manufacturing sort.
Yellow Pryor. — Preferred by many for
... brights, and succeeds where other yellow sorts fail. The West is giving it preference.
Sweet Oronoko. — Used for first class plug fillers, and makes when sun-cured the best Natural Chewing Leaf A favorite for the " Home- spun" wherever known.
Flanagan. — Originated in Henry county, Va., and is greatly used for making sweet fillers and mahogany wrappers. It is a variety of the Old Sweet Oronoko.
Big Oronoko. — An old variety, and a good tried one. Has a large, broad, finely-shaped leaf, and for strips and dark wrappers has no equal.

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