Man in the Light of Evolution

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But the possibilities of mental evolution are practically unlimited ; they may be infinite. The era of mind and the reign of its higher powers, the supremacy of the highest motives, is sure. Its dynasty is secure. No other system in the body can dispute its place and right.
Animals and men have tried the experiment of reversing this logical sequence of ruling func- tions. Parasites and sessile animals have made the muscles serve digestion. Men frequently make mind the servant to the gratificati
...on of lower powers. The experiment has always re- sulted in degeneration and usually in extinction.
The rule or dominance of functions is suc- cessive, but they are all present in the first pro- tozoan. They are of equal age. The digestive 6 67 Man in the Light of Evolution system comes to the throne first just because it is simple, fundamental, and absolutely essential to life. Muscle follows in the march, more slowly at first, because more complex and difficult of development, and having fewer opportunities to show its usefulness and capability.

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