Manual of Elementary Logic: Designed Especially for the Use of Teachers And Learners

Cover Manual of Elementary Logic: Designed Especially for the Use of Teachers And Learners
Manual of Elementary Logic: Designed Especially for the Use of Teachers And Learners
Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss, 1813-1883
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What reading level is Manual of Elementary Logic: Designed Especially for the Use of Teachers And Learners book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

But this is not to the purpose, for if it were, all crimi- nals would be maniacs, and guilt would be impos- sible. So it is a frequent and wicked practice of this fallacy or sophism, to arouse the passions of the tribunal appealed to in regard to the atrocity of an imputed offense, instead of proving it to have been committed by the accused.
6. To this head may be referred various argu- ments which logicians have been accustomed to con- Bee. I.] FALLACIES, 163 trast with argmn^inJtum ad rem^ i.
... e. to the point.
Such is aargumenJbum ad verecuncHamf or Azgnmentnmad appealing to the feelings of reverence ""' ^^,^g,„^^.
for certain persons or objects, instead of am.
proving the point in hand : argummtum ad tgnorarUtam, assuming that your posi- tion is correct unless your adversary can evince the contrary : or it is sometimes used to denote any sort of sophism which imposes on men's • f T T Ad popnliuiii ignorance: a/rgum^mm, ad popdumy which is very much akin, being addressed to Uie passions and prejudices rather than the intelligence of the people ; and finally argwmenJbwm, ad hominem, an appeal to the practice, principles, or professions of an adversary, as con- firmatory of our own position or fatal to his.

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