Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing

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80 (white), linen tape size 'No. 1.
One and one-half inches from the ends draw six threads which is the correct number to be drawn in all materials to be hemstitched. Before hemstitching the ends of the towel, hem the sides with a narrow hem.
Then turn a hem on the ends of the towel, basting it even with the first thread drawn.
Fasten the thread in the hem at the left side and pointing the needle towards yon, take up fonr or five of the cross threads. Draw the needle through and take one stitch
..., as in ordinary hemming, being careful not to take the stitch too deep. Repeat this, until the hem is completed. Since both edges of the drawn threads are to be hemstitched, repeat the operation on the other side.
Fold the tape and overhand the sides together from llie ends, np to the de])th of the hem.
EXERCISES IN HAND SEWING. 57 Sew the tape on the wrong side of the towel, pla- cing it so that the raw edges Avill be towards the end, .vMi»«-.-vv\\v\\\v».«nv\vuv\\\\vuv.\ut\u«t»mu\nmHuu"« .%\jvv:jc* L».' .>.».'.' '^i^iVtV-'A?* n- Model XXII — Towel.

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Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing
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