Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing: Adopted By Industrial & Grade Schools

Cover Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing: Adopted By Industrial & Grade Schools
Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing: Adopted By Industrial & Grade Schools
Blair, Margaret J. (Margaret Josephine), B. 1863
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Place the sides together, having the folded edges even and baste. Overhand one side of the patch, remove the basting and scav the other side in the same manner. Care should be taken to exactly match the checks and not to take the stitches too deep. Press on the wrong side and if instructions are carefully followed it will not show where patch has been set in. Overcast the raw edges /)f the patch. Finish the model with a hem on all sides one-eighth of an inch wide.
...ises: A, drafting doll's skirt; B, basting scams; C, sewing seams; D, overcasting; E, placket hole ; F, gathering ; G, putting on band ; H, hem.
'..-■ €.^ i \ Model XII — Doi.i/s Skiut.
To draft a skirt for a doll two measurements are required — the length and the width around the hips.
Table of Measurements : Top of Front 2 Bottom of Front 3 H Top of Side Bottom of Side Gore Gore 4 H 31 12 12^ PATTERN FOR Doll's Skirt (Page 75) trom the to]) of the paper through 4 to 5 and mark off the length of skirt, 6, and from the bottom of the front draw a curved line froin 2 to 6.

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Manual of Exercises in Hand Sewing: Adopted By Industrial & Grade Schools
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