Marta in Holland

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" They perfected plows, windmills, green-houses and cold-frames, and they invented the mariner's compass, the thermometer and telescope. You may well be proud of being a little Dutch girl, my child." Marta fixed her eyes merrily on her aunt's face.
" Dear Auntie Thooft," she said with a laugh, 42 MARTA IN HOLLAND " this day will soon be gone, and you haven't given me a chance yet to tell you what Nieltje thought of my new dress." Her aunt's eyes flew to the clock. " Dear me! " she cried, jumpin
...g up from the table, " it is half- past ten, and all those blossoms are to be picked in the morning. Where do the days go so fast?
You must go to bed this minute, and tell me the rest to-morrow." CHAPTER VII ♦GOOD - BYE TO THE FISHERS Marta's visit to Aunt Emma Thooft lasted only a fortnight, but it was the shortest fortnight the child had ever known.
" It seems only yesterday that I went away," she said, when she stood once again in the little Volendam kitchen, kissing and hugging sister Betje with all her might; but before she had been at home many days her mother declared that she had brought back enough new ideas for a whole year.

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