Maternity And Infant Care in a Mountain County in Georgia

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Thrown so largely upon her own resources in caring for her babies, the mother relies upon the advice of relatives and neighbors, which results in the continuance of many unwise and dangerous customs.
In no particular was this more marked than in the matter of infant feeding; and one of the greatest needs of the mountain mother is for modern, scientific instruction in methods of nurturing her young child.
While inatemal nursing is universal in this
...section, there is a tendency to let the baby have solid foods at an early age. The mothers have not learned the risk young babies face when given a miscellaneous diet before they are 6 months old, and the custom of supplementing the natural infant food with articles of family diet counteracts the full benefits to be derived from nursing. The prev- alence of this custom in the highlands generally has been a matter of frequent comment. "Babies from the first month are fed on anything they will swallow — grease, sugar, or strong coffee," writes Emma B.

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