Maxwell's Chain (2013)

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‘Everything all right?’ he asked. He knew her looks of old, the slight, imperceptible swings of mood that made for good days or better days. Henry Hall – and Peter Maxwell, come to think of it – had never had it so good.
    ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘In fact, I think this is where I say there is bad news and good news. Which would you like first? In fact, if I give you the good news, you will be able to guess the bad, I think.’ ‘Go on, then,’ Hall said, clasping his hands in front of him like a Victoria
...n schoolmarm. ‘Please don’t keep us in suspense.’ While Jacquie had been in the corridor on the phone, Hall had been bringing his opposite number up to speed, especially on the Troubridge connection. Helen Marshall and Hall went back a bit. In fact, despite her husband and family, she had always carried a bit of a torch, being a sucker for the strong, silent type. Well, the silent type. He, safe behind his blank lenses, had always been unaware, much to the amusement of everyone else, who could tell at a thousand paces.

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