Maxwell's Grave (2011)

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A soggy Saturday had given way to a sunny Sunday and the weather men had promised faithfully, running their seaweed worry beads through their hands, and in the name of Michael Fish, that things would stay that way for at least, ooh, 24 hours. After that, what with global warming, greenhouse gases, genetically modified foods, the transit of Venus, who the hell could say?
    But Leighford High wasn’t worried about the weather. The Tower Block always leaked, even, mysteriously, when it wasn’t rain; they’d all, over the years, got used to that. No, what exercised the minds of Senior Management that Briefing Day was the absence of Annette Choker. Nobody knew quite who’d invented Briefing. Some schools, of course, had one every day, which seemed rather over-kill. Perhaps ‘over-kill’ was an unfortunate phrase to use in the case of a missing schoolgirl. But at least Briefing gave the staff a chance to look all their colleagues in the face and wonder ‘Who the hell are you?’ ‘Taken Study Leave early, surely?’ Simon Pendlebury was the new bug in charge of the Art Department, all flowery shirts and home-made shoes.

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