Maxwell’s Match

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The book Maxwell’s Match was written by author Here you can read free online of Maxwell’s Match book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Maxwell’s Match a good or bad book?
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‘I’d normally get to know my detective sergeants, have a few preliminary chats. But then I usually appoint my own. No quite the same here, is it?’ ‘Sorry, sir.’ Denise McGovern was older than Jacquie Carpenter, with straw-like hair and hard, angular face. She looked as though she could handle herself in a crisis; she looked as though she took no prisoners. But Henry Hall knew two things about her; she was efficient and she was utterly loyal to Mark West.
‘No, no,’ he said, handing her a steaming
... cup. ‘It’s just one of those things. You’re the local officer; tell me about Grimond’s.’ He sat back behind the desk.
‘You’ve been here for the best part of two weeks, sir,’ she said. ‘Nothing I can say’s going to add to what you already know.’ ‘Don’t be so sure. Where are you based?’ ‘Petersfield.’ ‘Grimond’s kids get there much?’ ‘They’re allowed passes at weekends – exeats, I think they call them.’ ‘And the sixth form on Wednesday afternoons, too,’ Hall nodded.

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