Maxwell’s Movie

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‘I shouldn’t show you these. I shouldn’t even tell you about them.’ ‘Would you like some tea?’ Maxwell asked. It looked as though the girl needed something to steady her, some reassurance.
Jacquie looked at him. ‘You haven’t got anything stronger?’ she asked.
‘Well,’ he smiled, ‘I’m a Southern Comfort man, myself ‘Fine,’ she said and he clattered about in his drinks cabinet. ‘You realize that what I’m about to tell you is absolutely confidential?’ Maxwell looked at her. ‘Of course,’ he said, ‘in
...scrutability is my middle name. By the way, you’d better call me Max if we’re going to be working together.’ ‘Who said anything about working together?’ Jacquie sat upright.
‘Nobody,’ Maxwell beamed, swiftly, ‘nobody at all.’ She snapped shut her file and stuffed it back into her bag. ‘I can’t do this,’ she said and she stood up to go.
‘Wait,’ Maxwell was standing with her, ‘if this was a movie, I’d stop you with a kiss now, wouldn’t I?

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