Maxwell's Point (2014)

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Alan Cole, the Head of Drama…er…Performing Arts was putting on something indescribable by Chekov next term. He was a new broom at Leighford High was Alan and he intended to sweep the place clean of all its myriad cobwebs. Why he thought a play by the bloke who was occasionally given the column in the original Star Trek series would make his name or even a ripple in the cesspit that was Leighford High was beyond Peter Maxwell, but what did he know?
    So it was that Cole held his auditions that
...Saturday morning. There was much tutting and sighing from the Premises Manager and eyebrow raising from Legs Diamond, but a breath of performing arts air might be just what Ofsted ordered. And everyone knew that Ofsted could not be far away now. It was like Armageddon – inevitable and terrifying in a ‘we’re all going to die’ sort of way. And so it was that the rising stars of Year 11, soon to be Year 12, turned up, among them, Steph Courtney.
    The girl was a little surprised to see Mad Max there.

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