Maxwell's Revenge (2012)

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The book Maxwell's Revenge was written by author Here you can read free online of Maxwell's Revenge book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Maxwell's Revenge a good or bad book?
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On the one hand, he didn’t have to go to work. On the other hand, if he stayed at home he would be roped in to painting something, digging something or going off on what Margaret called ‘a lovely long ramble’ with another couple who seemed to wear seven-league boots as a matter of course. So, when work called, he didn’t really mind. Alice had the IQ of a lamp base and Norman sold insurance; nuff said. He usually had to put up with token resistance at home, but this time his wife almost shoved hi...m out of the door. That lizard brain that Maxwell had identified was working overtime already in Margaret’s head. Contaminated food was the start of the end of the world and her man could stop it in his tracks. Superman. Mighty Mouse. The Incredible Hulk. He stirred his coffee moodily and raised the mug to his lips. As he took his first sip, his heart skipped a beat and he waited to see if it would manage another. All was well – for a start, he could tell by a strange old-damp-shoe taste at the back of his throat that the coffee had been in the canteen for more years than he could tell.

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