Maxwell’s Ride

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The book Maxwell’s Ride was written by author Here you can read free online of Maxwell’s Ride book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Maxwell’s Ride a good or bad book?
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An endless stream of malingerers drifted down her corridor – and left again just as smartly. But she was Auntie to them all, the waifs and strays, the abused, Those Who Cannot Cope. She had sticking plaster and crepe bandages for the luckless in the gym or the just plain cack. She had advice to the lovelorn – especially to them – and cups of tea or coffee and morning after pills. Monday was a madhouse after a weekend of frayed tempers, late night bar extensions and unbridled passion in the shelt...ers along the Front.
She’d just chalked up her bi-annual sighting of James Diamond on her school calendar – the man was obviously lost – when a face she knew appeared around the door.
‘Sylv, are we alone?’ She looked at Maxwell and raised her eyebrows, then tapped on a side door and hauled out a particularly repellent member of Year 10.
‘Come on, Mandy. See me at the end of the day if you have to Maths now, isn’t it?’ ‘I can’t do it,’ Mandy was a prey to her sinuses, a lump of a girl blessed by nature with acoustic catarrh.

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