Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2)

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The book Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2) was written by author Here you can read free online of Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2) book?
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But he should have known his Jaike would do something entirely courageous and unexpected.
Her eyes meeting his, she whispered, “Yes,” and then she bowed her head like a properly obedient Sub.
Just like that, and his cock was hard and throbbing, the lapping water around it having absolutely no effect on his erection.  “Look at me,” he commanded.
Trembling, Jaike raised her gaze to Derek’s.  “Take off your swimsuit.”
She gasped. “But what if…” She looked around them fearfully.
He said quietly, “If
... you truly trust me, then you would know I’d never do anything to abuse your trust.” In truth, he had his bodyguards stationed around the pool area, three feet away from the doors. No one would be able to get in without having a gun pointed at their heads. He had been that strict in his command to assure his privacy and Jaike’s.
But all of that, his beautiful stubborn Sub was not supposed to know. Not until she learned to yield to him as she should.
Looking at Jaike, he asked, “Are you going to do it, baby?”

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Meant to Be Yours: New Adult Bbw College Romance (Derek And Jaike book 2)
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