Mechanics of Materials

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The compressive unit-stress in the steel plates then is 51=45000/3 = 15000, and that in the timber is 52 = 36000/48 = 750 pounds per square inch. In this case the two steel plates carry about 70 percent of the total load, and are so highly stressed that bolts should be placed at frequent intervals in order to prevent lateral buckling.
Steel ropes are often made with a hemp core in order to give flexibility, and here also the tensile load is divided between the two materials inversely as their r
...esistances. Thus, if Oi and a2 Art. Ill Reinforced Concrete Columns 279 are the section areas of the hemp and steel, and £i and E2 their moduluses of elasticity, then Pi/P2 = fli-Ei/a2-E2, which shows that the steel takes nearly all the load, since az is usually equal to 6ai, while £2 is probably more than 100 times as great -as E\.
Prob. 110. A bar for a jail window has a diameter of 2^ inches, the central core of soft steel being ij inches in diameter. When this bar is used under axial tension or compression, show that the unit-stress on the hard and soft steel is the same.

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