Medical Annals 5

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Medical Annals 5
Medical Society of the County of Albany
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At the end of this time some of the methyl-violet should, therefore, remain undissolved in the bottom of the bottle, which may be utilized later on by the further addition of alcohol.
Fuchsin, when used in place of methyl-violet, is treated in the same way. It is said to be better adapted for permanent prepa- rations.
11 ccm. of the alcoholic solution of methyl-violet is now mixed with 100 ccm. of the aniline water, and the staining fluid * 95 per cent, alcobol will probably suffice wbenever ab
...solute alcobol la spoken of.
is ready for use. Eoch advises the further addition of 10 ocnu of absolute alcohol, which will preserve the fluid for about ten days without necessitating filtering each time it is used.
The sputum should be as free as possible from intermixture with the secretions of the pharynx, mouth, etc. The expectora- tion should not be a forced one, the irritation producing the cough being spontaneous and natural. In the foamy mucus will be found small, tough, yellowish lumps^ sometimes few in number and sometimes making up the entire bulk of the expectorated mass.

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