Megan's Way

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The book Megan's Way was written by author Here you can read free online of Megan's Way book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Megan's Way a good or bad book?
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The familiar Tink, pause, Tink, pause on her bedroom window drew her attention. A confused cardinal had repeatedly gone beak to glass in recent weeks, as though trying to rouse her. As she tried to calculate the number of times she’d also awakened to nausea, the familiar surge of bile rose in her throat.
She clung to the toilet as if it were a security blanket. The smell of last night’s dinner still wafted in the air, sending her body into convulsions of dry heaves.
Great, Megan thought as she g
...rasped her stomach. She looked up at the ceiling, What the hell am I going to do now?
    “Mom?” Olivia’s voice carried down the hall.
“Mo-om!” The single word stretched into two perfect teenage syllables.
Megan heard the drama in her voice and closed her eyes against her growing frustration. She knew that particular scream, the self-centered, in-a-hurry, where’s-my-stuff scream. She did not have the patience to deal with Olivia’s drama on this particular morning. She grabbed hold of the sink and pulled herself up.

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