Memoir And Letters of Charles Sumner 3

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Memoir And Letters of Charles Sumner 3
Edward Lillie Pierce, Charles Sumner
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The district system was adopted a few years later without party contention.
ing the Legislature to provide for submitting to a popular vote the question whether a convention should be called to revise the Constitution whenever requested by the towns or cities contain- ing not less than one third of the legal voters.
Many interesting discussions took place in the convention, — involving the substitution of the rule of plurality for that of majority in elec
...tions ; the term of the judiciary ; the qualifica- tions of voters ; the relation of Harvard College to the State, — indeed almost every provision of the existing Constitution or of the proposed plan; during all of which Sumner was silent.^ Irksome as was the confinement, his service in the convention was an advantage to him by bringing him into more familiar relations with the active men of the State ; and to the extent that he had mingled in the debates and business, he impressed the members with his ability, candor, and good sense.

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