Memoirs of Count Miot De Melito, Minister, Ambassador, Councillor of State And Member of the Institute of France, Between the Years 1788 And 1815

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The road on the other side of Somo-Sierra was strewn with the wreck of the fugitive Spanish army. Buytrago, which we reached at two o'clock in the afternoon, is a very large village, but it was completely deserted, not a single inhabitant re- maining in it We only stayed the time necessary for resting our * This chain runs from West to East, from Cape Finisterre to the fron- tiers of Catalonia. Here, trending to the South, it encircles the prov- ince of Cuenga, the kingdoms of Mercia and Granad...a, and slopes down to the Mediterranean at the Straits of Gibraltar. It is very lofty, and several of its peaks are covered with snow during nearly the whole of the year.
t Count Philip de S6gur received three severe wounds in this engage- ment.
horses, and resumed our journey at six in the evening. We pro- ceeded towards Madrid by a very fine road.
At a short distance from Buytrago, we crossed the last spur of the Guadarrama mountains, and at length ^ehtered on the plain of New Castille, a wide table-land at a great height above the level of the sea.

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