Memorial Addresses On the Life And Character of James Phelan: a ...

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Memorial Addresses On the Life And Character of James Phelan: a ...
United States. Congress, United States. Congress. Memorial Address
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Scarcely had his sun reached its meridian height before it was eclipsed in the darkness of the tomb.
He had everything to make life desirable — a loving wife, children to cluster about his knees and to encircle themselves around his heart. With a mind educated far beyond that of many who had attained the greatest distinction, the pros- pect spread out to him was that of a long and useful life.
But death cast its envious glance upon him and sent, to make slow and insidious progress in his vitals
..., that dread disease, consumption. And in a foreign land, far from the flag that he loved so well, his body was returned to dust and the spirit to God from whence it came.
He lived a noble life. He did, so far as time afforded him opportunity, all that man could do, and left as a heritage to his children, as a cherished memory to his wife, a spotless reputation and an honored name. But he left besides that something that should be an example to all aspiring minds.
He showed what could be done by energetic and faithful work and, as the gentleman from New York has so eloquently said, by earnest endeavor.

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Memorial Addresses On the Life And Character of James Phelan: a ...
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