Memorials of Brooks's From the Foundation of the Club 1764 to the Close of the Nineteenth Century

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Memorials of Brooks's From the Foundation of the Club 1764 to the Close of the Nineteenth Century
Brooke's Club
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What reading level is Memorials of Brooks's From the Foundation of the Club 1764 to the Close of the Nineteenth Century book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

LAWLEY, Mr. F., M.P.
SEBRIGHT, Sir John, M.P.
O'CONNOR DON, The BOLINGBROKE, Lord SMITH, Mr. Martin Tucker, M.P.
RICH, Mr. Henry BROUGHAM, Mr. W.
CLONCURRY, Lord NOEL, Sir Gerrard, M.P.
SMITH, Mr. Vernon EVANS, Mr. Wm., M.P.
Algernon Proposer and Sbcondbr.
Mr. Clive General Ferguson Lord Dacre Mr. Western Lord Ebrington Ld. Duncannon Duke of Argyll Lord Essex Lord Althorp Sir R. Ferguson Lord Essex Lord Sefton Lord Dover Earl of Essex Ld. Duncannon Mr. EUice Lord Esse
...x Lord Clifden Duke of Norfolk Sir R. Heron Lord Lansdowne Lord Holland Lord Althorp Mr. Geo. Ponsonby The Duke of Argyl Lord Foley Date of Election.
29 Jan.
1832 4 Feb.
1832 4 Feb.
1832 5 Feb.
1832 5 Feb.
1832 8 Feb.
1832 8 Feb.
1832 II Feb.
1832 11 Feb.
1832 12 Feb.
1832 12 Feb.
1832 IS Feb.
1832 15 Feb.
1832 [ -1S51.] Of Middleton HaU, Warwick ; M.P. Warwick, 1820- 32 ; 7th Bart.. April 1832.
[i 767-1 846.] 7th Bart., 1794 ; served in Army on staff of Lord Amhurst ; M.P. Herefordsh..
1807-36 ; seconded Russell's motion for leave to bring in first Reform Bill, 1831 ; published works on animals.

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