Menagerie (2015)

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The book Menagerie was written by author Here you can read free online of Menagerie book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Menagerie a good or bad book?
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Gluing the claws on had ruined my recent manicure, erasing the only remaining evidence that I’d ever been anything other than an animal in a cage. Only the threat of being placed under Clyde’s supervision kept me from ripping the prosthetics from the ends of my fingers and scrubbing my face clean on the hem of my dress.
    I’d told myself that cooperation wasn’t submission; it was survival. But there was a limit to what I would endure in silence. “I won’t wear that, and you can’t make me.”
...“Wrong on both counts.” Gallagher closed the tent flap, and that time I was actually relieved to be free of the curious, invasive gazes from carnival staff passing behind the tent in the makeshift alley that served as a supply path during business hours. He hung the black dress on the outside of my cage. But “dress” was a label the costume didn’t deserve. It was more like scraps of black satin held together with sequins and a prayer.

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