Messages From the Governors of Maryland And Pennsylvania, Transmitting the Reports of the Joint Commissioners, And of Lieut. Col

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Mason and Dixon shall be instructed immediately to proceed in running the west line di- rected by the articles from the said post till it reaches the river Susquehannah, where an observation shall be made by them.
" Agreed, also, That the post set up in the extremity of the radius of twelve miles from New Castle, marked M -j^jj shall be and be deemed and accounted to be the true tangent point, and that the surveyors shall proceed to run the north line, and such part of the circle as falls to th
...e westward of the said line, according to the arti- cles, from the said point, as soon as they have run the said west line to the river Susquehannah.
" Agreed, cdso, That the posts set up by Messrs. Mason and Dixon at the eastern extremities of the offsets made from the line they first run from the point marked Middle, and by them marked M D, shall be and be deemed and accounted to stand in the direction of, and to mark and describe the tangent line.
" Agreed, lastlg. That as soon as the surveyors shall have run the said west line to the river Susquehannah, and the said north line and part of the circle, stones 38 shall be set up marked with the arms of the Lord Balti- more on one side, and the arms of the proprietors of Pennsylvania on the other, as the articles require and direct, along the said tangent line, in the places where the offset posts stand therein, at the tangent point marked M • ■j^jj m several pomts of the periphery of the circle, in the north line, at the point where the said north line shall intersect the said west line, and along the said west line to the river Susquehannah, to be and remain as marks and boundaries forever, between the said province of Maryland and the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, and between the said province of Maryland and the province of Pennsylvania, as far as the river Susquehannah." The commissioners then agreed to give instructions pursuant to the foregoing agreement, and did so ; and then adjourned over to the IGth of June next, then to meet at Christiana Bridge.

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