Method in History, for Teachers And Students

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Method in History, for Teachers And Students
Mace, William Harrison, 1852- [from Old Catalog]
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We now come to consider a conscious movement. In this, some of the people formed definite purposes and called into being appropriate agencies for their realization, while others were just as definitely determined to oppose and circum- vent these ends. The contest over the leading measures and events of Washington's and Adams' administrations may be denominated a contest between nationality and democracy. This is a correct statement of the nature of the first phase of development in the period o...f nation- ality. Two general considerations prove it : the nature of the ideas in conflict, and the contrasts between the people who gathered around these ideas. In the first case we find measures and means taken for the primary purpose of calling into vigorous life national agents and functions. This policy was defended under the principle of liberal construction of the Constitution. All this was strongly combated by the idea of local self-government — the basal idea of primitive democracy. As a feeling, the fear was that the position of the states and the interests of sections might become subordinated to those of the nation.

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