Midnight Louie 14 - Cat in a Midnight Choir

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Matt said. He already had, far too long. “I suppose it’d be easy to lose Kathleen if I dodged into a megahotel.”“Use a phony name. Pay cash at the front desk like a big winner. Take one room there and then call down and change it. Find something wrong. Somebody smoked in a nonsmoking suite, that kind of thing.”“You’ve got some tricky ideas.”“Not me. Everybody I’ve ever arrested. So.” Molina’s wild-blue-yonder gaze softened with scotch and satisfaction. “You gonna take my professional advice?”“I ...don’t know. I’ll think about it.”He stood, took one last sip of the very fine scotch and left.In the hall he could hear the trio killing time until Carmen’s next set with jazzy crescendoes. He kind of liked this place, right here. Alone in the hall, between the dressing room and the stage, the public. Ignored, invisible.He moved along, wove through the clotted round tables, arranged to be intimate and now in the way.It was a weeknight. He had dragged Carmen in for a half-empty house, but she probably appreciated warming up with only chairs to hear her rusty voice.

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Midnight Louie 14 - Cat in a Midnight Choir
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