Milk And Honey

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If space isn’t expanding (left panel), then two cones delimit the parts of spacetime that we on Earth (at apex) can be affected by (bottom cone) and can have an effect on (top cone), because causal effects cannot travel faster than light, which travels a distance of one light-year per year. Things get more interesting when space expands (right panels). According to the standard model of cosmology, we can only see and reach a finite part of spacetime even if space is infinite. In the middle image..., reminiscent of a champagne glass, we use coordinates that hide the expansion of space so that the motions of distant galaxies over time correspond to vertical lines. From our current vantage point, 13.8 billion years after our Big Bang, light rays have had time to reach us only from the base of the champagne glass, and even if we travel at the speed of light, we can never reach regions outside the upper part of the glass, which contains about 10 billion galaxies. In the right image, reminiscent of a water droplet beneath a flower, we use the familiar coordinates where space is seen to expand.

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Milk And Honey
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Guest 3 years ago

i couldn't get through the first poem. how horrifying! there's a limit, although she does write well.

Guest 5 years ago

I like this book, it is just hard to read with this website :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Guest 5 years ago

its so beautifully written it makes u value life love ur life <3 it has touched upon self love so profoundly and makes u feel positive about the love. gives u reasons to love life. super powerful and moving words! inspirational and beautiful <3 for those going through difficult phase this book is an energy booster for them :D

Guest 5 years ago

BORING AND OFFENSIVE TO UNCLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BASTARD

Guest 5 years ago

This book gets you in your feels

Guest 5 years ago

Dawn same

Guest 5 years ago

Totally agree

Guest 6 years ago

i love this book so much!

Guest 5 years ago

please email the book in my Email address [email protected] you and God Bless!Please...

Guest 6 years ago

Reading this right after I break up is weird but the book is so good I really like it

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

bad and overated

Guest 6 years ago

i cried

Guest 6 years ago

This book was the real shit i loved it it touched every part of my body i felt like i was the author !! Great book everyone .
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