Mimi (2010)

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It is usually a good day, but this Monday was a bad day.
First Bad Thing: I woke up dead late and I couldn’t find my shoes for ages — but they were behind the sofa where I kicked them off last night, so that was OK.
Second Bad Thing: There was no milk in the house and I had to eat my cornflakes with water on them. Ugh!
Third Bad Thing: The car ran out of gas on the way to school, and Sally and I had to walk the rest of the way. Sally was raging. “This is so embarrassing!” she shouted at Dad. “Yo
...u don’t care about us at all, do you?” And then she slammed the car door shut and stormed off without waiting for me.
“Sorry,” muttered Dad, looking totally fed up.
Fourth Bad Thing: My new teacher is horrible. Her name is Ms. Hardy, and she is the total opposite of Ms. Addle. By the way, Ms. Addle had a baby boy, Roger, and she sent us all her love. Archibald (that’s what everyone calls Mr. Masters now, behind his back) came in and told us. He was trying to be all strict and businesslike, but he couldn’t help smiling when he told us that Ms.

What to read after Mimi?
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