Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina [serial] 12 (1861)

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In our eReader you can find the full English version of the book. Read Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina [serial] 12 (1861) Online - link to read the book on full screen. Our eReader also allows you to upload and read Pdf, Txt, ePub and fb2 books. In the Mini eReder on the page below you can quickly view all pages of the book - Read Book Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina [serial] 12 (1861)
What reading level is Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina [serial] 12 (1861) book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

3. Any physician who shall procure a patent for a remedy, or instrument of surgery, or who shall hereafter give a certificate in favor r^'f a patent remedy, or instrument, shall be deemed disqualified from becoming a member of a County Society.
^ea, 4. As soon as the County Society is organized, the Secretary thereof s.iall tr-asmit to the Corresponding and Recording Secretary one copy of the Constitution and By-Lavvs, with the names of their officers and members. '^he Society shall be authoriz
...ed to elect any dele- gate to the State Society for every five of its members .
Sec. 5. Every County Society shall enforce the observance by its memberB of the Code of Ethics adojted by the State Society, and they shall be authorized to censure or expell any member convicted of violating its provisions.
Sec. 6. A member of the County Society who is censured or expelled, shall have a right to appeal to the State

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