Minutes of the ... Session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South [serial] 1876

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Hud- son and Mr. E. J. Lilly: The committee upon the Observance of the Sabbath, to which was referred an overture Irom tlie North Carolina Synod of the Pres- byterian Church, and certain other papers touching the rnuniug of trains and unloading of freight cars on the Sabbath day, ask leave to report the loUowiug: 'Ihe institution of the holy Sabbath was intended by God as a mercilul pro vision, not only for giving rest to man's physical nature, but also to furnish him dir'ictly with the time, a...nd indirectly with the means for that reflection upon eternal things and worship of the ever-living God, which the interests that hang about his everlasting destiny demand. And no man, nor organization of men "can infringe upon the inalienable right of men to the privileges and blessings of the Sabbath which God has given, or infringe upon this beneficent arrangement of Heaven, without damaging public morals and incurring the m iledictions of God's violated law. In this connection it ought to be remem- bered, and it must be stated with emphasis, that no man can sink his personal responsibility in the acts of agents, or conceal himseli from the searching eye of Heaven s law behind the distributed authority of a corporation, since it is certain that the griive will engulf without hope of resurrection every subterfuge and pretext of corporate responsibility that may have been wrapped about tne individual.

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