Minutes of the ... Session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South [serial] 1892

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What reading level is Minutes of the ... Session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South [serial] 1892 book?
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Your Coinmiltee on Temperance beg leave to make the following report: We rejoice to see the cause of temperance making so much progress in the bounds of North Carolina, and we recommend to our people that we follow the plan of prohibition that we have heretofore adopted — that is, the local option plan — and by petitioning our Legislature to pass prohibitory liquor laws within given distances of our churches and schools, therebj' driving the liquor traffic from a large part of our terri- tory.
...We recommend to our preachers and people to see that the rules on Temperance, in chapter 5, page 128 of our Discipline, be strictly enforced. Respectfully submitted, D. L. Earxh.\rdt, Chairman.
W. N. Filler, Secretary.
The Committee on District Conference Records beg leave to report as follows: The Records of the Rockingham, Wilmington, Durham. Raleigh and Wilson Districts are in good condition. The Records of the Fayetteville District are well kept, except the erasing and re-writing in several places.

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Minutes of the ... Session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodis...
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