Minutes of the ... Session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South [serial] 1895

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He was taken very ill at Durham Saturday night of Conference. We thought he would die before the Sabbath morning, but he was spared to reach home on Thursday following, where he died the ninth day after.
He was not confined to the bed much of the time, and died at 6 a. m., the 2ist of December, 1894, while sitting in his chair, alone with his wife and his Saviour. We carried his body to Durham on Saturday evening, and buried it from Trinity church at 11 o'clock, a. m., Sunday.
As a token of the
... high esteem in which he was held, all the other Methodist churches in the city were closed at that hour, and that large church was filled with sympathizing friends. The following brethren in the ministry were present and participated in the services: Revs.
E. A. Yates, J. W. Jenkins, L. L. Johnson, T. J. Gattis, B. R. Hall, President J. C. Kilgo and W. H. Pegram, and at the close we laid him to rest by the side of Brother Baxter Phillips, in the lot in the cemetery owned by Trinity congregation and set apart for the burial of ministers.

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