Moving Mars

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Why mince words? I dont think youre stupid. We have one hour. I understand that if Earth does not receive a reply by then, the knot will tighten.These were not negotiations; they were ultimatums. Mars would strangle if I did not agree to everything. I felt lightheaded, almost giddy with suppressed rage.Have you any human heart whatsoever? I asked Dickinson. Have you any feelings for what your planet is suffering?I was not the one who made this situation, he answered briskly.We are honorable Mart...ians, Gretyl said.No choice. No way out. Selling out the Republics future, all we had worked for; I would be branded the traitor. A kind of delirium smoothed itself around me with seductive insistence. Die, but do not do this. I could not listen.Lieh had been monitoring her slate closely for several minutes. Now, she stood up from the gallery and approached me like a delicate crab, eyes full of hatred turned on Dickinson. She bent over and whispered in my ear, Madam President, weve established contact with the Olympians.

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