Mr. Forever (2011)

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He jumped to his feet when Olivia came over with Liam. “Dad’s still in the bathroom, so I have time to say goodbye to Caleb, right?”
    “I don’t think Dr. Paden wants us to bother him tonight.” He likely didn’t want Olivia to bother him again in this lifetime. A smarter woman would have shut up and listened to what he was saying instead of shooting off her mouth. She apparently wasn’t too smart, because she wasn’t sorry for what she’d said. Caleb needed to know he was loved. Everyone needed tha
    “I have to say goodbye,” Austin insisted. “He’s my friend, and you said he’d be gone when I get back.”
    “A very quick goodbye,” she agreed. “I’ll come with you.” She didn’t expect Caleb to be friendly, but hopefully Austin was excited enough about his trip that he wouldn’t give the brush-off more than a passing notice. She tickled Liam under the chin, enjoying his drooly, affectionate smile.

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