Mr. Lloyd George

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On May I2th, two days before The Times published Colonel Repington's despatch, embodying the evidence furnished by Sir John I'Vench, Mr. Handel Booth, a Liberal member, exceedingly friendly with Mr. George, and one of the most prominent of his champions on the Marconi Committee, asked the Prime Minister whether he had consid- ered the propriety of "admitting in^o the ranks of ministers leading members of the various political parties." Mr. Asquith replied quite definitely that "the step suggest...ed was not in contemplation." On May i/th. speaking on the motion for adjournment over the Whitsuntide recess, Sir Henry Dalziel,^ also a Liberal and an old associate of Mr. Lloyd George, remarked that he was "coming reluctantly but certainly to the conclusion that in this great national crisis it ought not to be entirely on the leaders of one political party that the responsibility should rest," and he also advocated formation of "a business commit- tee to deal with business matters at the War Office." Mr.

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