Mrs. Perfect

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I make life look easy? I do?
What a joke. That’s the biggest laugh of all.
I munch on another handful of Cheerios. I don’t even know how much I’ve eaten now. A quarter of a box? A half box? All I know is that I can’t stop. I have no desire to stop. I’m going to eat until I pop.
I’ve never found life easy. It’s always been a fight. Push, push, push. Work, work, work. Smile, smile, smile. And I push because I’m afraid. Afraid of everything that’s happened before, everything that could happen again
.... I work to make sure I won’t be trapped, won’t be lost, won’t be forgotten.
Of course, I don’t let others see my fears. It’d be dangerous. I’d be vulnerable to everyone and everything. As it is, I’m so vulnerable at home.
I love my family. I need my family. I need us together again.
Realizing the Cheerios box is almost empty, I drag myself off the bed, close the box top, and go down the stairs to return the cereal to the kitchen cabinet.
To make sure I don’t eat anything more, I brush my teeth extra long before rinsing with Listerine Whitening.

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