Much Ado About Nothing

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Much Ado About Nothing
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
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What reading level is Much Ado About Nothing book?
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For ' approved ' see ii. i. 344 ; and for ' wanton ' see Othello, iv. 1. 7a : 'To lip a wanton in a secure couch.* 43. Dear my lord. Similarly we have ' good my lord ' in ii. 3. 43 ; ' Good your grace,' Othello, i. 3. 53 ; ' dear my sweet,' Twelfth Night, ii. 5. 193; 'Gracious my lord,' Lear, iii. 3. 61, &c. 'Dear' is here a disyllabic. Compare Hamlet, iii. 4. 7 : ' Fear me not withdraw, I hear him coming,' where ' Fear ' is also a disyllable. Not recognizing this, Theobald, as he thought, corr...ected the metre by reading ' approof ' for ' proof,' and Capell by reading * Dear, dear my lord.' lb, in your own proof in making trial of her yourself.
45. made defeat. Synonymous with ' vanquish'd ' in the previous line. Compare Henry V, i. 3. 107 : * Making defeat on the full power of France.' 48. the forehand sin, the sin committed by anticipating marriage.
50. large. See ii. 3. 181.
54. Out on thee! Seeming! This reading, suggested by Seymour, was first adopted by Grant White. The Quarto and Folios have, * Out on thee seeming, I, &c.' Pope changed * thee ' to * thy.' Knight read * Out on the seeming !

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