Multiverse: Exploring the Worlds of Poul Anderson

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He’s probably best-known in the field for his long series of collaborative novels with Larry Niven, the most famous of which is The Mote in God’s Eye, but which also includes Inferno, Lucifer’s Hammer, The Gripping Hand, Footfall, Escape from Hell, The Burning City, Burning Tower, and Oath of Fealty; he’s also written Fallen Angels with Niven and Michael Flynn, and the two-volume Heorot series with Niven and Steven Barnes. Pournelle is also author of the three-volume CoDominium series, which sta...rted with A Spaceship for the King; the four-volume Falkenberg’s Legion series, related to the CoDominium series, some written with S. M. Stirling; and the five-volume War World series, also related to the CoDominium series, with John F. Carr; and of the four-volume Janissaries series, some written with Roland J. Green. Pournelle has also contributed to the Planet of the Apes and the Man-Kzin War series. He’s the author of solo novels Birth of Fire, High Justice, and Exiles to Glory, and two early novels written under the name Wade Curtis.

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