Municipal Problems

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The representative system has for its purpose to reflect the opinions of those represented, a method of representation which is based entirely on local- ity ceases to reflect the opinions of the people, in other words, ceases to be representative where there is a comparatively slight local variation, and makes it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain rep- resentation of opinions based on other than local causes of variation. Finally it is said, the local- ity system, even when based on local ...variation, makes it easy to elect incompetent, if not evil- 152 MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS intentioned persons, particularly where it is car- ried so far, as is generally the case, as to insist that candidates for office shall not merely repre- sent the localities from which they are elected, but shall also reside therein. The locality system of representation also has in the past, it is pointed out, been productive of the gerrymander, whose so frequent occurrence is itself evidence of the fact that the necessity for purely locality representa- tion no longer exists, or any rate is not so pressing as it formerly may have been.

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