Murder Road

Cover Murder Road
The book Murder Road was written by author Here you can read free online of Murder Road book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Murder Road a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Murder Road book?

A young couple find themselves haunted by a string of gruesome murders committed along an old deserted road in this terrifying new novel.

July 1995. April and Eddie have taken a wrong turn. They’re looking for the small resort town where they plan to spend their honeymoon. When they spot what appears to be a lone hitchhiker along the deserted road, they stop to help. But not long after the hitchhiker gets into their car, they see the blood seeping from her jacket and a truck barreling down At


ticus Line after them.

When the hitchhiker dies at the local hospital, April and Eddie find themselves in the crosshairs of the Coldlake Falls police. Unexplained murders have been happening along Atticus Line for years and the cops finally have two witnesses who easily become their only suspects. As April and Eddie start to dig into the history of the town and that horrible stretch of road to clear their names, they soon learn that there is something supernatural at work, something that could not only tear the town and its dark secrets apart, but take April and Eddie down with it all.

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Murder Road
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User Reviews:

Guest 3 months ago

I have loved all of this authors books so I am actually shocked at how much of a train wreck this one was. The characters weren’t likable. The plot made absolutely no sense. The paranormal element was taken way too far. The “reveals” did not make one ounce of sense at all. All of it was pretty predictable. I wanted to DNF this so many times but I was waiting for the author to pull through for some type of a logical/exciting ending to all of this but nope

Guest 3 months ago

This was not one of my favorite Simon St. James, but I still enjoyed it overall. Normally I don't know where she's going with a story, but I could see this one. It still managed to be a good thriller read though.

Being from the area where parts of this book took place was fun though. She changed most of the details, but I never thought small-town Michigan would ever be mentioned in a book!

Guest 3 months ago

I had a fun time with this one! Thrillers and romances are usually popcorn books for me so as long as they are fun and don’t blow the ending I have a good time. The mystery here isn’t to hard to spot from pretty early on but luckily the author recognizes that too so I didn’t mind so much. I really enjoyed the characters, especially the girls and Rose. I was a little disappointed when the initial tension let up because even though it eventually picked back up I don’t think it got back to the same intensity. But still, a good time!

Guest 3 months ago

Based on vibes alone and with the fact that I read this book in less than 24 hours, this is an easy 9 star read for me. It’s spooky and suspenseful while also being extraordinarily intriguing from the very beginning while we uncover the mystery behind Murder Road, this is an incredible book to get anyone out of a reading slump or back into reading with all of its excitement.

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