My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, book 2)

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I do have a bit of gossip.  Thad is dating Dr. Gina.  Janet despises her, probably because she is a competent surgeon, and probably because she had her eye on Dr. Ron about the same time Janet did.  Gina's good for Thad though.  I don't think she's nearly as ditzy as Janet makes her out to be.  Thad seems happy and less rumpled when I see him.  Maybe this will turn in to something?
Tim, if he decides to go back to the Landbase, has mentioned a need for an adjunct who will relieve a lot of the st
...ress that is currently on his shoulders.  This person would need to be a full commander though.  Perhaps you know someone?
Chat soon, Shelly     To: [email protected]   Dear Shelly,   I'm so sorry to hear about the Admiral's cardiac episode.  I hope he feels much better soon and if he does decide to retire, I know that the Spaceforce will sorely miss his presence, but you must do what works for you.
We recently had an encounter with a distressed vessel and ended up losing two crew and a shuttle trying to save the occupants.  The whole event was very upsetting to our entire crew.  We've been lucky to have had very few occasions where we have gotten into fire fights or lost crew through accidents like these.  It's caused all of us to spend a great deal of time soul searching.  I know it sounds trite to ponder now about the meaning of life et al but this incident has truly made me wonder what I am here for and where I am going.  I guess the whole point of telling you all this is that I think the Admiral must do what is right for him at this point in time even if Spaceforce will feel the gap in his absence.  Your happiness is what's important now.

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My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, book 2)
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