My Russian Beast: Standalone Billionaire Romance

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News traveled fast whenever hot Russian billionaires were concerned, and by the time Sergei had stepped out of his chopper, practically every woman on the strip had forgotten about the beauty of their surroundings, with its swaying palm trees, powder-fine sand, and the latest music streaming from the competing beachside bars.
    The women only had one thought in mind: do anything and everything possible to get Sergei Grachyov’s attention.
    But it was impossible, since the billionaire only ha
...d eyes for his phone.
    An incessant number of clicks from mobile cameras followed the billionaire as he walked down the beach, his concentration fully engaged by whoever it was he was texting. Not once did he look up to see where he was going, the billionaire knowing that his security team would prevent anything unnecessary from obstructing his way.
    And by anything, this included a woman who had pretended to trip in front of Sergei, hoping to stumble into his arms, but security literally lifted her off the billionaire’s path before she could reach him.

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My Russian Beast: Standalone Billionaire Romance
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