My Soul to Keep

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Lord knew she deserved it.
The lunacy of the past two days, from her racing heart to her adrenaline rushes, had served their purpose. She didn’t have to spend any more hours mulling, wondering, obsessing. Now, she realized, she could rest her muddled mind for a while. Just relax.
Amazing as it was, she’d somehow put David’s blood out of her mind—at least from a clinical standpoint. She’d have plenty of time to pore over the notes she’d made to reinforce what she’d known all along, that there was
... hope; there were answers.
Tonight, waiting for the elevator’s slow climb up to her apartment, Alex was thinking about her sister. What was she in for now? She’d been moved to see the glow in Jessica’s face, the way she was embracing a real-life miracle, ready to march with it. If only it weren’t about David, yet again. Miracle blood. David could have two heads and be a charter member of the Ku Klux Klan, and it wouldn’t matter to Jessica. Alex didn’t know why, but Jessica had always been determined to hold on to him no matter what.

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