My Soul to Lose

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I thoroughly enjoyed it.” --Melissa Marr, New York Times bestselling author of Wicked Lovely Turn the page to read a preview… My best friend Emma danced her way down the hall and into the main room, hands in the air, hips swaying with the pulse of the song. I followed her, keyed up by the energy of the Saturday-night crowd from the moment I saw the first cluster of bodies in motion.
We worked our way into the throng and were swallowed by it, assimilated by the beat, the heat, and the casual part
...ners pulling us close. We danced through several songs, together, alone, and in random pairs, until I was breathing hard and damp with sweat.
I signaled Emma that I was going for a drink, and she nodded, already moving again as I worked my way toward the edge of the crowd.
Behind the bar, Emma’s sister Traci worked alongside another bartender, a large, dark man in a snug black tee, both oddly lit by a strip of blue neon overhead. I claimed the first abandoned bar stool, and the man in black propped both broad palms on the bar in front of me.

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