My Soul to Save

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The book My Soul to Save was written by author Here you can read free online of My Soul to Save book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is My Soul to Save a good or bad book?
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I WHISPERED to Nash as I closed the front door softly, wondering what the chances were that my father had fallen asleep early and hadn’t noticed I was late. The living room was dark, and in the kitchen, only the over-the-sink light was on, so it was looking pretty good so far….
“Kaylee, get in here. Now.”
Or not.
Nash squeezed my hand and followed me into the living room, where my father’s silhouette leaned forward in the lumpy armchair, outlined by what little light penetrated the curtains from
... the street lamp outside. I stood in the middle of the floor, staring at the dark spot where his eyes would be, Nash’s chest pressed against my back. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”
A shadow-arm reached up and to the left. The floor lamp clicked and light flooded the room. My dad still wore the flannel shirt he’d worked in, and his eyes were red from exhaustion. “Why are you an hour and a half late?”
Technically, it was only an hour and twenty-four minutes, but he looked even less eager to be corrected than I was to discuss my whereabouts.

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