My Soul to Take

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But I was still straightening my hair when I heard a car pull into the driveway.Crap. If I didn’t get to him first, Uncle Brendon would make Nash come in and submit to questioning.I pulled the plug on the flatiron, raced back to my room for my phone, keys and wallet then sprinted down the hall and out the front door, shouting “good morning” and “goodbye” to my astonished uncle all in the same breath.“It’s early for lunch. How ’bout pancakes?” Nash asked as I slid into the passenger seat of his m...other’s car and closed the door.“Um…sure.” Though with death on my conscience and Nash in my sight, food was pretty much the last thing on my mind.The car smelled like coffee, and Nash smelled like soap, toothpaste, and something indescribably, tantalizingly yummy. I wanted to inhale him whole, and I couldn’t stop staring at his chin, smooth this morning where it had been deliciously rough the night before. I remembered the texture of his cheek against mine, and had to close my eyes and concentrate to banish the dangerous memory.I’m not a conquest, no matter how good he smells.

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